Helpful Links

American Tinnitus Association

Web page for the American Tinnitus Association, our mission: to silence tinnitus through education, advocacy, research and support.

Hearing Loss Association of America (Self Help for Hard of Hearing People)

HLAA, formerly Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc., founded in 1979, is a consumer, educational organization devoted to the welfare and interests of those who cannot hear well, their relatives and friends. AHLA has 12,000 National members and 9,000 chapter members in all 50 states.

Northern Virginia Resource Center for Deaf and Hard Of Hearing Persons

A local self help organization with excellent resources, classes and a technology demonstration room. Their mission is to empower deaf and hard of hearing individuals and their families through education, advocacy and community involvement.

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD)

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD), established in 1880, is the oldest and largest constituency organization safeguarding the accessibility and civil rights of 28 million deaf and hard of hearing Americans in education, employment, health care, and telecommunications.


Captionfish shows a list of local movie theaters that provide captioning of the films they show. The Instant CC Film FinderTM gives custom results within 30 miles of each person’s location for today. You can plan ahead with the 7 day results. If you hover over the symbols in the right hand column, you will see the type of captioning system used at each theater. Learn more about it at: and see the list of Netflix accessible titles at: